we decide how rapidly and how often Love is present on Earth
Love's constant call for our presence.
Say Thank You.
Ellen taught me a powerful lesson. It is hard to put into words because it lives in each of my cells. I wish I could breathe it to you… that lesson is to say, “Thank You.”
Ellen is my dear friend and a spiritual teacher who teaches both with and without saying a word. She teaches with an inquisitive play of light gaze, a glorious silence, with a painting or with a spill of words that are like moonlight on your skin. She is a raiser, razer, razor – an array of light lifting you up, a tool to split the wheat from chaff and a delicate blade that cuts away debris that had been covering an orchid, and more than that a ray’s oar – a tool to steer us back into the sea of light. A voice and a visionary, but also a person who is willing to live here and be real, Ellen is invested in being a part of life, grateful for each day and every step with all of us.
One way she taught me to say “thank you” was showing me to look for and express the things I am grateful for in another person. Ellen didn’t tell me to do this or even suggest it, she told me how valuable it was for her to do it. Ellen writes letters telling people how grateful she is for what they’ve done and how important they are to her. She gives great thanks, not just for what people do, but genuinely for who they are. She looks deeply, way past the surface, into the details to make sure she sees how valuable each person is. She is vigilant about this; she wants to make sure that she sees the Good in each of us and, by her seeing it, she gives us the opportunity to see it as well.
Ellen’s gift of gratitude is one I love sharing with everyone, for it is an every day, every moment, spiritually, practical way to Love everyone. When I look at you deeply, with appreciation, I see the gifts of Heaven you are and the earthly talents you possess. I see how you incorporate those talents and Truth into your lives and I am immediately grateful and blessed, blessed to be with each and every one of you.
When I am grateful for and to you, I am immediately a better person. I work with you more fruitfully, Love more fully with you, laugh louder with you and do everything more exquisitely with you, because I see how Great you are. When I say, “thank you,” I’m grateful to be here with you, right now, because I know I am with Heaven when I am with you.
Ellen taught me that gratitude is not something we give when we have received something we like, but is a state we exist in, are free to give and are freed by giving. She taught me that gratitude is a way of life and that from gratitude it is an easy step up into happiness, peace and being in Love with everyone. Ellen has a happiness to her, a spring in her step, a spring like a fountain and a spring like roses coming up and like a four-year old smiling in the daisies. Ellen has a way of saying, “I’m grateful to you, I’m grateful for you, now let’s go play, I want to play with You.”
Here is an excerpt from one of Ellen’s books on God’s Love:
May I Say “Thank You”
All the heavens and earth bend toward you, giving you life and a shared experience. With this I bend toward you too, caressing the parameters of your life, breathing in a sense of gratitude for all you bring to this creation.
Without you I would not be complete, for you are my completion. Without you I would be without my beloved. And without you I would be but a thought, not a song.
Take this then, as a token of my gratitude. In all creation you are the harbinger of my salvation. Through you I express my presence. Because of you I become the notes of the song, the harmonized chord, the melody and the refrain.
Thank you, Ellen.
I Am grateful for you Every Day.
How To Love One Another Holy
There has been a question about how to Love so powerfully that all Love becomes the same, great, sacred Love. How to Love one another so truly that it is as if we are at the altar taking vows to forever hold and welcome each other into infinite Love? How do we get to the point that our vow is so great that it is as if each man, woman and child is mother, father, husband, wife, sister, brother, teacher, student, and above all God to each other?
In other words, how do we Love one another Holy?
This enormous question, perhaps the enormous question of how to love, spiritual and holy, while we are walking on the Earth is so multifaceted that it can be the lesson of our life.
Fortunately, each of you, each of us, is there to be an answer, to be a support as we walk along the lessons of life and learn again and again how to Love. The more we open to the great lesson of how we can Love each other, the more we are presented with people in our lives who teach us how to Love. In the next few entries, I am going to celebrate some of the people in my life who have taught me about Love.
I invite you to come play with me as we go on this fanciful ride and to meet some of these daring, courageous, loving beings, who have been with me on the path as spiritual teachers and learners, my inspirations.
Rachel, That All Love IS the Same Love
The next time you think you are having a hard time, and you may be, try remembering this story of my friend Rachel and the two lessons she recently taught me. Rachel has four children between the ages of 3 and 11. She is a single parent and works as an assistant manager at a coffee shop. She cares for her mother, who has a disability that keeps prevents her from working. When Rachel was a teenager, a car accident shattered her foot. Her job keeps her on her feet, so she often works in pain, yet Rachel is one of the most optimistic people I know.
Rachel has taught me about forgiveness and compassion in many ways. She has reminded me that we are all in a journey together, all learning together and all here to inspire each other to grow. She takes time with people. She has patience. People don’t always see how patient she is because they aren’t aware of the whole picture of her life, every little facet of what she’s juggling and that she often does her best to attend to the people around her in kindness, even those who are vexing her.
She has shown me both how easy it is to keep going and how hard. Each day we can do it with compassion and forgiveness or we can choose to get angry. Rachel makes some miraculous choices. Here is one that I think would benefit all of us who have gone through, or are going through divorces, ends of relationships, dealing with ex-husbands or wives over custody or day to day dealing with how to raise kids after a divorce or even letting go after a relationship ends.
Instead of being angry at the choices her ex-husband is making that impact her and her children, she told me, “I wish he would stop harming himself.” It was a very pure and kind wish, the kind of wish we could all learn to make for one another when we are in an argument or difficult situation of any kind, but particularly when it is a super-charged one. What a huge gift we can give another, if we simply stop complaining about another person’s short-comings, stop wishing another person harm or ill-will and wish them Well.
Rachel showed me that no matter what someone has done or is doing, we can turn and simply wish the best for them, wish for their greatest good, without spite or superiority. She reminded me that each of us, no matter what the circumstances, always have the choice to be Good. Sometimes we think that we will need a large event, a personal trial of Hercules (at least one, if not twelve labors) to prove we can stick to our morals. Rachel reminded me that in our day to day, often hardest dealing with others, we have the perfect opportunity to move from feelings of anger and hate to compassion and Love. She showed me how we are all models of this for one another, if we take the time to see that we are each other’s teachers.
Rachel has beautiful grey-green eyes that shine and she keeps a song in her heart. She sings to keep her spirit up. The other day she told me she was singing a country Love song when she looked down at her eldest daughter who was sitting on the edge of the coffee table. Her daughter had disobeyed the night before and was grounded. Rachel knew she really should be mad at her daughter. But, when she looked at her child, instead, she realized that the Love she’d been looking for in a man, in the song she was singing, was right there, looking up at her.
Rachel told me about this in an easy conversation and her eyes have never looked so beautiful as they did in that moment. I want the look I saw in her eyes to be remembered in Heaven because it could melt the stars. I wish we could all see it when Love comes to Earth and reflect back to each other how grateful we are when we see the presence of Heaven in each other’s eyes.
How great the lesson that all Love is one Love. Sometimes we meditate on that lesson for years, we can even try so hard to find it that we get blinded by that answer that is right in front of us. Rachel reminded me that the answer is right here, each time our hearts get opened, often by surprise.
Thank you, Rachel.
This song is for you.