Sunday, June 6, 2010

God To A Child

This morning, my mother told me that she met a friend she hadn’t seen in years. She smiled to say that he had a six year old daughter. She knew his older children well and they were both boys. He remarked to her that girls were different from his boys, that his daughter was so sensitive. His little girl had asked him, “Dad, why did God make us if we are going to die?”

He didn’t know what to say. He tried to say something comforting. When my mother told this story, I said there were many answers. She asked, “What would you want to hear if you were six years old?” Hmm… good question for all of us…

What is your answer, friends, teachers, scholars, parents or grandparents? What would you tell your little girl or boy, niece or nephew, grandchild or student if he or she asked a similar question? What would you say to this father or a friend if he told you a similar story about his daughter?

Please add your answers in the comment section. I believe all of our perspectives could support each of us in answering why we are here for this little girl and make the world an easier place for her to grow up in and for her father to help her in her journey. For I am sure she will have many, many more questions.


Dear Child,

You are here because I love you. I love you like every flower that is there to welcome spring and every snowflake that dances in the light as it falls to the ground - each one beautiful and none more beautiful than the last. I love you because you came dancing in the light without worries and now you are here and have one. You saw how hard it is to leave this beautiful world and I am blessed because you are here.

My sweet one, whenever a little child is born, there is a new beginning and each day that child grows she grows up big and strong, fun and beautiful, sweet and powerful. She learns new things and unfortunately one of them is fear. Darling, I never meant for you to fear, only to know that at the end of your journey there is light, just as there was at the beginning. My sweet one, you came from light and to light you will return.

Right now, these words may just sound like poetry, but one day, they will soften your heart. Right now, go play. Go run and be with love. I am watching over you and dancing with you. I am happy that you came to play, to make sand cakes on the Earth and sparkle with diamonds in your eyes. You are beautiful.

Now, that you are here on the Earth, focus on the light, the light shining within you around you in your heart and out from your eyes, the light your Daddy sees in you. The light that is God and you know is God, because you are a twinkle in the eye of God and the beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I love you little one. I brought you here to play and you will know that when you are one and nine and ninety. I hope you know that every day.


From love to Love

1 comment:

  1. Death reminds us to make the most of each day. If we were never going to die, we might keep putting off what we really want to do. Also, our death makes room for new life. If we didn't die, there would be no room for babies or children in the world, which would be sad. And since each new person is a little different, that makes the world more interesting. Also, if no one died, the world would be crowded. We wouldn't have any room for forests, and we might run out of food for everyone. So God wants us to live, and because he wants all of us to enjoy life, he has to let us die eventually. Of course, some people die young, and that is very sad. The best we can do in this case is to learn something from the situation, and especially learn to be kind to others. Those are two good things to consider when we're having a hard time.
