Friday, April 2, 2010

Living on Purpose

Living On Purpose
*Madison Workshop Coming in May*

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." -e. e. cummings

Starting Monday, May 3rd, Atala Mitchell and Reverend Gene Ferrara will facilitate Living On Purpose, an experience of the self through discussion, meditation and interaction. Living on Purpose is a new group to accelerate your spiritual awareness and put you in touch with your inner sacred being.

Begin with a four-week session from May 3rd - May 24th, 5:30pm - 7pm, at Madison's Center for Conscious Living 849 E. Washington Ave. $38./4 weeks.

If you are looking for a comfortable place to talk about the experience of spiritual awakening and living a life of illumination, this is the group for you. The class will focus on creating sacred support and understanding, bringing forth your spiritual self, trust and addressing life with conscious spiritual intention.

Please check your inbox, more information is on the way in the next few weeks!


Polishing the temple

When writing, when working, when inscribing what I am, I am always fascinated by the way I look up and over my shoulder to see who is watching. It is as if I am looking for an angel or a family or a friend to be there. It is as if I am looking for a teacher or a student or a scribe or someone else to come into the room and talk with me. It is as if I am looking for someone else to join me and continue the conversation. I am constantly looking for communication, even if the communication is with me.

I have been asked, and have been asking myself for a long time, what is the purpose of my writing. I have been asking myself what is the purpose of my communication with you, including leading a workshop. I feel I need to get this right or even straight, navigated before I do it or say another word to you. My best way to communicate with you is to start. Not to think, not to act, but to write, to go to the destination and start dancing. Dancing with who you are in the temple and singing your heart back to who you are.

Once there was a person who I let scare me by asking me boldly, outright and in an accusatory tone if I was there to help her connect with her soul. I told her no, simply because she made is sound like a harmful thing to do and like I was out of line. Man, was I wrong - dead wrong. Since that time, I have come to realize that my answer should have been, “Yes, certainly, if you are ready, for your soul is the same as mine. We, all of us, every person, in fact, every flower and wind that blows is here constantly to connect everyone back to their own soul."

Living on Purpose will be about connecting to our own souls and listening to their guidance. Souls are the gateway to unity, forgiveness, the energy we call Love, Christ, Buddhahood, Source and God. If you are ready to dive deep and go up and in fact arrive right here in face of all you are, in its majesty and in fact in its boots - because what is enlightenment, but arriving back on Earth in the work boots of the living light of Heaven? Then, give yourself the gift of a workshop like Living on Purpose.

The instant we stop being afraid, we embrace all. Love dismantles fear and resistance. If you are ready to step into Love, Love is here and ready to take down all doors with you. During Living on Purpose, we will do it slow and we will do it fast. We will do it at the pace that is right for you - your heart, your body, mind and emotions - your soul is your guide. That is the purpose of this work, the entrance to the dance, the first step into Love.

Welcome to the dance of Living on Purpose.
