Friday, January 9, 2009


We've heard the phrases:
"Know Thyself" and "to Thine own Self be True."

First, let's bow and say, "Thank you," that these phrases are there,
escorting us still to Truth, as true as they were when they were first spoken. 

There are many, many beautiful ways to define or, more accurately, inform, our minds about who our True Self is and why we want to know our Self.  Here is a guideline to help you start and return to the practice of knowing and being true to Your Self:

Your True Self
The first thing to know is that you have a True Self.
Your True Self is God-created, ego-less, Love.
Each True Self is beautiful, perfect and Divine.
There is no way it could not be so.
If you could listen to the vibration of a True Self it would be like hearing the echoes of stars,
for each is wrought of the music of Heaven, the True Song of God.
The True Self is the Soul and the Soul is the closest part of God to Earth.

How Do You 'Know' Your True Self?
Start by believing that you have a True Self.
Then, Trust, again.
You will be tested in your Trust.
And, the answer to your test is to keep showing up.

Imagine that you were getting married,
that your mind is becoming the partner to your Soul.
Your Soul is faithful, minds are easily distracted.
Help your mind start paying attention to your True Self.

If that scares your mind,
look up above and re-read what your True Self IS.
Remember that your True Self exists.
Your Soul exists and is the most beautiful creation in the universe
(so is everyone else's Soul).

You can start to place more attention on your True Self,
You can become a faithful and devoted partner to your True Self.
Re-read "The Positive!," remember that where you put your attention,
your focus, is paramount.

Try putting your focus, your positivity on your Soul.
Try it three time a day,
try it every day this week.
If you've been doing this for years,
try this every breath,
see what you inhale and what you inspire!

If this feels difficult, remember...
You can do this.
You are actually meant, intended, to do this.
You are intended to pay attention to your Soul.
You are intended to learn about who really are
and, it is intended to be fun and fascinating.
This is the adventure you were waiting to go on
and it is always here.
You can start any time and any day.
If you need help and direction
there are people here to help you on this journey.
Check out the Connections Section on this Page.

A Simple Vision and Prayer:
God is Love.
Your True Self is Part of God.
Your True Self is Love.
A True Way to Re-Connect
to God (to All)
is to start to remember 
You who really Are.

A Meditation For Connecting Your True Self
We each bear a spark of God-Truth,
something like a liquid pearl of light that holds
the infinite answer
to All there Is.
Invite this pearl, this star,
this Ray of your Soul's light
to come to Earth 
and breathe Its Light of Love into Your Heart.

A True Way to connect to God,
to All of us,
is to start to remember 
who you really are.

It is Intended.

Love Is Who You Are
And Who You Are Is Love.

Know Thyself.



  1. Atala,

    Your gift is of holy water; soothing, lifting,and melding me with eternal serenity.


  2. Atala Love,

    This is delectable, easily understood and sings.

  3. Thank you for this serenely perfect meditation.
    It lifts our hearts!

  4. Dear Song of Love named Atala,

    This brings tears to my eyes and a deep breath of inspiration to my heart. Beautifully done, dear child of Love/dear teacher of the Holy.

